FSU Account Activation

Using Your Network Account for the First Time

All FSU students and employees must use an FSU network username and password to gain access to the FSU network and resources.

  • For incoming students, FSU network accounts are created when you are enrolled at FSU. Your FSU username and password will be e-mailed to the home e-mail address you provided to FSU. Additionally, you can use the Find My Username utility to look up your username.

    Before you can use your FSU network account for the first time, please visit FSU's Password and Account Management Portal to set up your password and identity account security questions:

       Go to FSU's Password and Account Management Portal

       Select Activate your FSU Network Account

       Enter your FSU Username and click Submit
       (Enter your Username only, do not enter “@frostburg.edu”)

       Set up your four (4) identity security questions and click Submit
  • For incoming employees, network and e-mail accounts are created when you become an employee at FSU. Your Department Chair and Administrative Assistant will be contacted when your account is ready.

    Go to FSU's Password and Account Management Portal to set up your unique password and identity account security. You can continue to manage your password regularly in the Password and Account Management Portal.

If you need help accessing your FSU account and e-mail for the first time, please contact the IT Help Desk. Also, you can find more helpful information on the FSU Network Accounts and Username and Password pages.