Format for Complex Passwords


Below are the details you need to know in order to create an acceptable complex password:

  • Your Password must be a minimum of eight characters/numerals.
  • Your Password cannot contain all or part of your username.
  • Password history will be enforced which means that you must use a least 10 unique passwords before a password can be reused. 
  • Your Password must contain a combination of three of the following categories:

Upper Case Letters

Lower Case Letters


Non-Alphabetic Characters

A, B, C, etc..

a,b,c, etc..

1,2,3, etc..

!, @, #, etc..



A valid password would be: Frost07 or %frostburg07

Additional security procedures:

  • If an account has six consecutive failed login attempts, the account will be disabled for a period of 15 minutes.
  • If an account has not been logged into for over 60 days, the account will be disabled.

Go to the Password and Account Management Portal to reset your password.  If you have any difficulty, contact the IT Help Desk.



Article ID: 59391
Mon 8/6/18 1:37 PM
Mon 8/6/18 1:38 PM

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